Help preserve and share letterpress skills and experience as we travel Australia with this mobile printmaking studio, housed in a custom 40‘ shipping Container.
The Moveable Type Studio is a working collection of letterpress, typographic equipment that serves as a classroom, public workshop studio and Australian typographic archive. It was established and funded by Australian designer and educator Clint Harvey along with the support of the design community via a successful Gofundme campaign in 2021. Clint Harvey (previously) the Bacon Factory has conducted many workshops and typographic classes with students, professional designers and the curious public over the past 20 years. For Clint, and for many students and designers, The Moveable Type Studio will continue to offer access to this historic resource from a previous generation. Support this venture by donating to our ongoing fundraising campaign, as we slowly attempt to rescue and save the letterpress and typographic history of Australia.
Supporting our Patreon account helps us travel the The Moveable Type Studio Letterpress container across the country, connecting communities with letterpress and print culture. As a Patreon member, you’ll receive blog updates, access to exclusive content, and special benefits for workshops and events.